Questfield’s story started over 21 years ago from our Founding Member – Fabiola Hosu`s wish to create not just a school, but a school that challenged students beyond the learning experience to discover the world and themselves, a school where every child`s uniqueness was seen and respected.
Questfield grew and became a school where now almost 300 students joyfully say hello every morning while entering their welcoming and spacious classrooms, exploring a learning environment that promotes and celebrates storytelling as an identity act, inclusion, internationalism, leadership and language.
What we know how to do best is truly care about each other, encouraging children and adults to proudly be who they really are and to find meaning in their experiences, regardless of cultural identity. Questfield`s community is formed of Romanian, bilingual and international families, and communication aims to be based on authentic conversations, allowing us to actually listen to understand and let go as much as possible of any paradigms anchored in preconceived ideas and misjudgements.

Our school ethos is based on building relationships based on trust and respect, on a deep understanding of everyone`s rights and responsibilities and on a great sense of belonging, which ultimately translates in our students` confidence and easiness in speaking their mind.
Children grow in a school culture based on respect, and Questfield is and will be about who every individual is and who we become together.