At Questfield International School, the House System is a vibrant cornerstone of our community, embodying the spirit of exploration and personal growth that defines our educational philosophy. Our houses—James Cook, Armstrong, Magellan, and Cousteau—are named after some of history’s most inspiring explorers, representing courage, discovery, and the relentless pursuit of meaning. Through this system, we invite students to embark on their own journeys of exploration, encouraging them to uncover their unique potential and define the narrative of their lives.
The House System at Questfield creates a supportive community where collaboration, belonging, and progress thrive. Students are carefully distributed into houses, ensuring that each house includes members from every class across the school. This creates a diverse mix of ages and perspectives, encouraging mentorship, friendships, and collaboration. Teachers are also assigned to houses, serving as role models and mentors who actively contribute to their house’s growth and achievements.
Each house is led by a team captain, a student elected annually by their peers. This leadership role allows the captain to develop and exercise their leadership skills, bringing students of different ages and abilities together to work as a cohesive team. Team captains inspire their housemates, organize activities, and foster a sense of pride and purpose, helping their teams navigate challenges and celebrate achievements.
Our philosophy at Questfield views the educational experience as a journey—one filled with discovery, challenges, and opportunities for growth. The House System mirrors this journey, creating a microcosm of exploration and self-discovery. Teachers, much like the explorers for whom the houses are named, guide students on this path as mentors, creators, and contributors to a shared reality. They model curiosity and creativity, encouraging students to view challenges as opportunities to grow and shape their own unique stories.