Questfield International College Joins the Association of British Schools Overseas (AoBSO)
Questfield International College is excited to announce its recent membership in the prestigious Association of British Schools Overseas (AoBSO). This recognition places the college among a select group of schools worldwide that deliver the British curriculum to international standards, ensuring quality education for its students.
By joining AoBSO, Questfield International College strengthens its commitment to providing a robust British-style education in an international context. Membership in this respected association connects the college with a global network of schools that share similar educational goals, offering opportunities for collaboration and the exchange of best practices.
This affiliation also underscores the school’s dedication to maintaining high standards in teaching, leadership, and student outcomes, ensuring that its learners are well-prepared for future challenges in a globalized world. As part of AoBSO, Questfield International College gains access to valuable resources and support, enhancing its ability to provide an enriching learning experience.
Questfield International College’s inclusion in AoBSO reinforces its position as a key institution in the international education community from Romania, committed to the development of well-rounded, globally-minded students.
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Questfield International College Secures TEDx License: Introducing TEDxQuestfield Intl College Youth
We are thrilled to announce that Questfield International College has been awarded a TEDx license, allowing us to host our very own TEDx event titled TEDxQuestfield Intl College Youth. This achievement is a significant milestone for our school and an incredible opportunity to showcase the innovative ideas and talents of our students and community.
What is TEDx?
TEDx events are independently organized programs inspired by TED, a global platform renowned for spreading ideas through powerful talks and presentations. TEDx events bring together people from diverse backgrounds to share their unique insights, fostering an environment of learning, inspiration, and wonder.
Our Vision for TEDxQuestfield Intl College Youth
TEDxQuestfield Intl College Youth will serve as a platform for our students, faculty, and local community members to present their ideas and stories, sparking meaningful conversations and connections. Our event will focus on youth-driven ideas and creativity, providing a stage for young voices to explore topics that matter to them and impact their world.
What to Expect
The inaugural TEDxQuestfield Intl College Youth event will feature a dynamic lineup of speakers, including students, educators, and inspiring figures from various fields. Attendees can expect a day filled with thought-provoking talks, interactive sessions, and opportunities to engage with speakers and fellow participants.
Why TEDx Matters
Hosting a TEDx event aligns with Questfield’s mission to cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and leadership in our students. It encourages our community to explore new perspectives and challenge conventional thinking, fostering a culture of curiosity and lifelong learning.
Join Us on This Exciting Journey
We invite our entire Questfield community to join us in making TEDxQuestfield Intl College Youth a resounding success. Whether as a speaker, volunteer, or attendee, your participation will be invaluable in creating a memorable event that inspires and connects us all.
Stay tuned for more information about the event date, speaker lineup, and how to get involved. We are excited to embark on this journey and look forward to sharing the incredible ideas and stories from our Questfield community with the world.
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm as we launch this exciting new chapter for Questfield International College.
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Questfield International College Achieves BSO Accreditation
We are proud to announce that Questfield International College has achieved British Schools Overseas (BSO) accreditation, a testament to our dedication to providing outstanding education and fostering a nurturing environment for our students. This prestigious accreditation highlights the high standards we uphold and affirms our commitment to continuous improvement and student progress.
BSO Accreditation: A Mark of Quality
BSO accreditation is awarded to international schools that meet rigorous British educational standards, ensuring high-quality teaching and learning. The BSO inspection process involves a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects of school life, including student achievement, leadership, teaching quality, and the overall school environment.
Strengths Highlighted in the BSO Report
The BSO report recognized many strengths at Questfield International College, underscoring the qualities that make our school unique and successful:
- Family Atmosphere: Parents value the uniqueness of our school, identifying the ‘family’ atmosphere as a key reason for choosing Questfield. This environment fosters strong relationships and a sense of belonging among students, staff, and families.
- Outstanding Student Development: Our students’ attitudes, behavior, personal development, and spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development are exceptional. They serve as outstanding ambassadors for our school, exemplifying our core values.
- Commitment to Growth: The proprietor’s strong commitment to governance and financial investment ensures that Questfield continues to develop and improve, providing a dynamic and forward-thinking educational experience.
- Teamwork and Care: The entire school community, including teaching, non-teaching, administration, and support staff, work collaboratively to promote high-quality care for all students, ensuring their well-being and success.
- Academic Achievement: Our students achieve high standards and make good progress, with the development of spoken English at an impressive level. This prepares them for success in a globalized world.
- Cultural Respect and Diversity: Students form friendships across age groups and cultural boundaries, fostering an inclusive environment where tolerance and appreciation of diversity are deeply ingrained within the school’s culture.
- Inspirational Leadership: The inspirational leadership of the proprietor and principal ensures that Questfield remains at the forefront of educational development in Bucharest, driving innovation and student progress.
- Strong Home-School Communication: We maintain strong communication between the school and home, ensuring that all stakeholders are fully committed to the school’s journey and success.
Looking Forward
Achieving BSO accreditation is a significant milestone for Questfield International College, reinforcing our reputation as a leading educational institution in Bucharest. We are grateful for the dedication of our staff, the support of our parents, and the enthusiasm of our students, all of whom contribute to our vibrant and thriving school community.
As we continue to build on this success, we remain committed to providing an inspirational educational experience that empowers our students to reach their full potential.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in making Questfield International College a beacon of student progress.
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Questfield International College to offer world-leading Cambridge Pathway programmes
Questfield International College has been approved by Cambridge International Education (Cambridge) to offer its world-leading international education programmes for secondary school students.
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ACTIVE KIDS – HEALTHY KIDS – Activități educaționale în sistem outdoor pentru dezvoltarea armonioasă a elevilor
Comunicat de presă
Școala Primară Questfield în parteneriat cu Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Vaslui, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 1, Sat Pogana și Liceul Tehnologic SAT Puiești a implementat proiectul ACTIVE KIDS – HEALTHY KIDS – Activități educaționale în sistem outdoor pentru dezvoltarea armonioasă a elevilor – POCU/987/6/26/154094, proiect cu finanțare nerambursabilă, care a avut ca obiectiv principal reducerea părăsirii timpurii a școlii, prin măsuri integrate de prevenire și de asigurare a oportunităților egale pentru elevii care aparțin unor grupuri vulnerabile, cu accent pe elevii care aparțin minorității rome și elevii din mediul rural și comunitățile dezavantajate socio-economic. Totodată, proiectul a vizat îmbunătățirea competențelor personalului didactic din învățământul preuniversitar, pentru promovarea unor servicii educaționale de calitate, orientate către nevoile elevilor și către nevoile unei școli incluzive.
În acest caz, în cadrul proiectului au fost implementate măsuri specifice pentru a combate cauzele identificate, prin intermediul următoarelor acțiuni:
- A fost dezvoltată o campanie de informare și conștientizare, pentru promovarea activităților educaționale nonformale desfășurate în cadrul proiectului;A
- A fost dezvoltat un Centru Integrat de Educație Nonformală în Sistem Outdoor (CEN), în scopul creării unui mediu prielnic pentru dezvoltarea educațională nonformală a elevilor;
- Au fost organizate campanii de conștientizare, cu privire la activitățile educaționale nonformale desfășurate în cadrul proiectului, care au contribuit la inovarea socială, prin parteneri sociali din cadrul comunității locale;
- 350 de elevi au beneficiat de activitățile specifice educației nonformale, derulate în cadrul proiectului ACTIVE KIDS – HEALTHY KIDS – Activități educaționale în sistem outdoor pentru dezvoltarea armonioasă a elevilor;
- Au fost organizate workshop-uri dedicate dezvoltării personale a participanților în cadrul proiectului: 30 x workshop de fotografie, 30 x workshop de dezvoltare deprinderi comunicare și limbaj și 30 x workshop de ecologie și dezvoltare durabilă;
- Au fost desfășurate patru tipuri de cercuri și ateliere tematice, care au avut ca principal obiectiv dezvoltarea personală a participanților și depășirea unor bariere autoinduse;
- Au fost desfășurate trei categorii de jocuri socio-educaționale organizate, prin intermediul cărora proiectul a creat un program educațional nonformal în sistem outdoor;
- Au fost organizate cinci categorii de activități desfășurate în aer liber, care au vizat cultivarea unui comportament social și ecologic, dezvoltarea spiritului civic și eliminarea barierelor de comunicare pentru elevii participanți în proiect.
Proiectul ACTIVE KIDS – HEALTHY KIDS – Activități educaționale în sistem outdoor pentru dezvoltarea armonioasă a elevilor – POCU/987/6/26/154094 s-a derulat pe o perioadă de 13 luni, în intervalul 30.12.2022 – 31.12.2023 și a beneficiat de o finanțare totală de 1.728.564,75, din care 1.469.279,86 lei reprezintă valoarea cofinațării UE.
Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
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Questfield International College Achieves COBIS Membership (Compliance) in 2023
We are delighted to announce that Questfield International College has achieved a significant milestone in its journey toward educational excellence by becoming a COBIS (Council of British International Schools) Member (Compliance) in 2023. This prestigious membership is a testament to our commitment to maintaining high standards of education and delivering exceptional learning experiences to our students.
What is COBIS?
COBIS is a globally recognized organization that represents over 300 British international schools in more than 80 countries. Its mission is to support high-quality British-style education worldwide by offering a range of services, including professional development, school improvement resources, and networking opportunities.
Our Commitment to Excellence
Achieving COBIS Membership (Compliance) is a significant achievement that reflects our dedication to providing the best possible education for our students. The membership process involves a rigorous evaluation of various aspects of school operations, including governance, leadership, teaching quality, and student welfare. By meeting these standards, Questfield International College demonstrates its commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.
Benefits of COBIS Membership
As a COBIS member, Questfield International College gains access to a wealth of resources and opportunities that will enhance our educational offerings. These include:
- Professional Development: Access to workshops, conferences, and training sessions for our staff to stay updated with the latest educational practices and trends.
- Quality Assurance: Regular assessments and evaluations to ensure we maintain high educational standards and implement best practices in teaching and learning.
- Networking Opportunities: Connections with other leading international schools, enabling collaboration and sharing of ideas and innovations.
- Student Opportunities: Access to a range of student competitions, activities, and events, providing our students with opportunities to engage and excel on a global stage.
Looking Ahead
This achievement marks a new chapter in Questfield International College’s journey toward academic excellence and innovation. We are excited to leverage the resources and support provided by COBIS to further enhance our educational programs and provide our students with a rich and fulfilling learning experience.
We extend our gratitude to our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and exceptional students for their hard work and commitment to our school’s mission and values. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and nurture the talents and potential of every student at Questfield International College.
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